Ubuntu 18.10 Release Date, New Features and Everything Important Associated With it

Ubuntu 18.10 will be released on 18th October 2018.

Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish

Unlike the previous releases, there will be no alpha or beta milestones. This will be replaced by ‘testing weeks’.

18.10 a short-term release and will be supported for nine months from its release i.e. July’19.

new features:

1. GNOME 3.30
2. New default theme
3. Better battery life for laptops (possibility)
4. Support for fingerprint scanner
5. Startup time boost and XDG Portals support for Snap applications
6. Android integration
7. Linux Kernel 5.0
8. 32-Bit support diminishing from flavors
9. Faster boot with new compression algorithms